Saturday 31 December 2011

Groups Initial Idea for Horror Movie

In the year 1990 a teenage girl named Isabella was living a life of hell. She had been abused by her Father for as long as she could remember, and now she'd had enough. Her mental state compromised by the years of abuse she'd sufferered, one night she took revenge and killed her Father and fled from the house she'd grown up in. Her body was found strung up in a tree in a cemetary. She'd hung herself to escape the pain. 21 years later a group of teenage girls were having a girly night at one of their houses. The house were the events between Isabella and her Father had occured in 1990. The girls were having a great time, recording video footage and playing truth or dare. One girl dares the girls to walk through the cemetary in the dead of night and out of the gate at the opposite end. Video camera in hand the girls set out to follow through with the dare. They enter the cemetary and walk through to the opposite end, getting an eerie feeling they're being watched. Once at the other end they find the gate locked, so the girls must reverse their steps and exit the way they came. Upon reaching the gate at that enterance to cemetary the gates close and trap them in the cemetary. They are not alone. The ghost of Isabella has come to play... the torment of her past having driven her mad. Will the girls survive?

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