Saturday 31 December 2011

Audience Research

These are the graphs that we produced from our audience research questionnaire. We asked 10 questions to a variety of people in our media group and also in the form of an online questionnaire. Overall we collected responses from 32 people. 22 of these people filled out the questionnaire and the other 10 were filled out by hand. The first question we asked was whether the person was male or female and the results that we got back were that 15% were male and 85% were female. This is a problem with our research because we were targetting our audience to both males and females so to get more accurate results we should have gotten more males to fill out the questionnaire. The next question that we asked was which age group the person belonged to. 73% of the people who filled out the questionnair were 15 - 18 year olds, 9% were 19-21 year olds, 12% were 22-24 year olds and lastly 6% were 25+. These results fit with our target audience as the age group we decided to aim at was 15-24 year olds and 94% of the people who filled the questionnair out fit into this age range. This helps because we can tell that the results we got from the questionnaire are relevant to the target audiences age range. Next we asked if the people liked horror films. 82% of the people answered yes and 18% of them answered no. We then asked whether they liked horror films with gore. The results that we got from this question were 61% for yes and 39% for no. These results made us consider putting elements of gore into the trailer that we're going to produce because it is clear that gore is quite popular. The next question that we asked was whether they preferred torture porn or paranormal horror movies. 70% of the responses were for Paranormal leaving the other 30% for torture porn. Seeing as we were planning to have our horror movie in the sub genre of paranormal this insight is good to have as we know that it is a popular sub-genre amongst are core target audience. Next we asked who people watch horror films we out of on your own, with family, with a partner, with friends of the same sex or with friends of a different sex. The most popular answer was with friends of mixed sexes which 28% of the people chose. The second most popular answer was with same sex friends which 26% of people chose. The least popular answer was with a partner as only 10% of people chose this answer. After completing the audience research I came to the conclusion that this question is quite irrelevant and doesn't really provide any information that is useful. We then asked if people prefer horror movies about someone driven mad, something bad returning from the past or something hidden being uncovered. The most answer response was 'something hidden  being uncovered' which 40% of people chose and the least popular answer was 'something bad returning from the past' which 23% of people chose. This made us think about the concept of our horror move as our synopisis fit with the least popular answer. We decided that we would add an element of the most popular answer to our horror film idea. The next question was about settings of horror films and which ones people preferred. The most popular horror setting was an abandoned building, with 36% of the people we asked choosing this. The second most popular answer was a house, with 29% choosing this answer. A forest received 24% of the vote and a graveyard received 11%. This effected our idea for our film because our initial idea was to have have our film mostly set in a graveyard. Seeing as this was the least popular answer we decided to change it and have more of it based in a house. We then asked whether people prefer horror films set at night or day. Night received 73% of the vote which is when we had chosen to set our film. The last question we asked was if people liked horror trailers to give away the killers identity. 88% of the people we asked answered 'no' they didn't like the identity to be given away.

Our audience research could be improved by seperating the male answers from female answers so that we could gather information on what each gender prefers. Seeing as we are targetting an audience that includes both males and females it would have been an advanage to know what both genders liked so that we could cater to both genders when thinking about our trailer. It could have also been improved by getting more answers from males. There is a much larger percentage of answers from females than there is males. It would have been fairer to ask a similar amount of each gender.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting work. Could you also evaluate your research methodology? Why did you do what you did in the way you did? On reflection was your methodology a good one? How could you improve your audience research?
