Thursday 29 March 2012

The differences between Teaser and Theatrical trailers.

When a film is being released trailers are produced to advertise the films. There are two types of trailers that are commonly used and these are teaser trailers and theatrical trailers. A teaser trailer is always a much shorter trailer. Often ranging between 1 and 1 1/2 minutes and in some cases they can be as short as 30 seconds. Teaser trailers don't have as much content in them and they act as a way of teasing the audience to make them interested in the film. They do not give much away about the film. This is completely different to the theatrical trailer which can range between 2-3 minutes in length and will give much more information about the film. Teaser trailers are usually the first trailers that are put out and are often released months in advance of the films. For example, there is currently a teaser trailer out for Dispicable Me 2 which isn't out until 2013. More often than not full length theatrical trailers will only be released a few months before the film itself is released in cinemas. On some occasions theatrical trailers are also released a great deal of time ahead of the film. The theatrical trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was released in December 1011 and the film itself won't be released until December 2012. It is also quite common for a teaser trailer to consist of shots from one particular scene or similar scenes whereas a theatrical trailer will be filled with clips from a lot of different parts of the film. The job of both trailers is to tease people about the film and to make them want to see it so they are both very important. In my opinion theatrical trailers tend to cause more excitement and are often eagerly anticipated once teasers are released.
Below you can see the theatrical trailer for The Hunger Games which runs 2:37 in length followed a link to the shorter teaser trailer which runs approximately 1 minute but I couldn't find a version that would allow me to embed it.

Link to Teaser Trailer:

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