Saturday 31 December 2011

Locations, props and story adjustment.

After carrying out research and producing a storyboard for our trailer we decided that we needed to adjust the idea for our horror movie as we felt there were flaws with our original idea and that it wouldn't work well as a complete movie. We decided to add a number of plot points. Our movie will not just have the majority of it the graveyard anymore but they group of girls will go back to the house where they are at the start of the movie. In the house at the start they will find a diary that belonged to Isabel, a girl who lived in the house some years previous. They read details of her horrendous life and how she planned to kill herself in the local graveyard. This then causes the group of girls to go to the graveyard, the diary with them. They accidentally awaken the spirit of Isabelle who then torments them in the graveyard and they flee back to the house. Isabel follows them back.

Locations we will be using:

  • Graveyard in Gorleston
  • Graveyard in Great Yarmouth (possibly)
  • My house as the house in the film
  • My attic (possibly)
Props List:
  • Torches x4
  • Rope
  • old looking diary
  • Camera
  • Long white dress/shirt
  • prop knife

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