Thursday 17 November 2011

Horror Trailers

This trailer is for the 2008 film The Strangers. Overall I do not feel that the trailer is very good but there are some elements of it that I think work well. The part of the trailer that I like the most and feel that would work well in the horror trailer that my group produces is the part with the swing swinging on it's own with the sound the swing is making high in the sound mix after the swing is no longer onscreen. This would work well in our trailer because we are planning to do one that is based on the paranormal ie. Ghosts.

The above trailer is for the 2004 film Hide and Seek. The element of this trailer that I think is really effective is the girl counting towards the end of the trailer and the pace of the trailer increasing as she counts, with fast cuts to different shots. I also like how after each shot there is a fade to black effect used. I feel that this increases tension whilst watching the trailer and the girl counting is creepy itself because she is playing hide and seek and the counting is being used in a creepy way so it is turning something innocent it to something scary.
The above trailer is for the 2012 upcoming film The Cabin in the Woods. Elements of this trailer that I like are the shot of the girls bare feet walking because I feel that this is a creepy shot and we could perhaps work a similar shot into our trailer. I also like the shot where one of the guys is holding a camera to his face and we see a close up of his scared face. This is quite a common shot used in horror movies. Other parts of this trailer that I like are when the 'monster' grabs people from behind of above and we cannot see the monster clearly. The fact that it is hidden makes it much more creepy and we could do something similar in our trailer.

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